Friday, December 10, 2010

Maple Bacon Cupcakes

I don't know what compelled me to do this, I'm a vegetarian after all.

But I've been wanting to make bacon cupcakes for a very long time. To be honest, it scares me a little that I didn't sample them to see if they turned out ok. But I guess that's what boyfriends are for.

I just used the maple bacon cupcake recipe from Vanilla Garlic and it turned out ok. If I ever made them again there would be some things I would change. They came out a little crumbly and they rose more than I thought they would (my second batch I just learned to put less batter in the cups than normal).

But as far as an experimental cupcake it wasn't bad. And I also made a little candied bacon to go on top which Andrew said tasted like a super sugary version of bacon. But I think he enjoyed it.

I think I'll start experimenting a bit more now that I finally took the leap into weird cupcake-land.

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